Congratulations you have made it to day 5 on the Gladiator $10 a week Challenge!
Are you ok? Do you feel hungry? Are you sustained and in control? Have you learnt some important lessons so far and importantly can you hack it out for another 2 days after this one?
Today I want you to reflect on what is really important in your life! When it comes to food I want you to consider the time and resources you spend on acquiring produce, how you connect with it, how it is consumed and what happens after you have had your fill?
- How much produce do you unnecessarily buy?
- How much produce do you buy that has little to no nutritional value.
- How much produce do you actually grow yourself?
- How much produce do you waste?
Reflect honestly on these questions and make a necessary change if you feel compelled to change for the better.
Outline your Fifth day experience to your family and friends on social media. Talk about any great experiences or teachings you have learnt, and also indicate any problems or issues you had to over come.
Importantly: Prep all your meals for Day 6 of the challenge with a concrete plan for the day ahead. Keep in mind that unforeseen problems and issues may occur the following day where by you may have to improvise and accommodate variations of your plan. So be flexible and do what works!
Set your goals for the day ahead and commit to it. Time frame how and when you will conduct the exercise protocols throughout the day so that it fits in with your normal daily activities and again allow for unforeseen or unexpected challenges. Make it work!