Congratulations you have made it to day 3!
Today lets concentrate on the exercise protocols!
You have accomplished 2 days so far, and now you should have a good idea of how hard the exercise program is! If it’s not hard for you then do more…go for it!
If you are struggling, try to break the program down into smaller bite size portions that are more easily managed. Hiking with a 10kg back pack / Cardio can be hard for most of us so I recommend 3 X 20 minute sessions over the course of the day.
- Make sure when you workout for 60 minutes that you plan each session well!
- Take your time and concentrate on flexing and stretching each muscle to its fullest range of motion.
- Breath deeply and move from one exercise to the next without distraction. Keep focused and stretch between sets.
- Make sure to consume water regularly between sets and keep well hydrated to increase well being, strength and better recovery.
- Make sure you are well dressed and have good foot wear on. Blisters on the feet can really impact badly on keeping up with the Challenge….so make sure you clean and prep your feet each day and night with antibacterial cleaners and keep them dry as possible.
- Looking the part within a gym environment is important as it signals our intent. Dressing well and looking sharp reflects our commitment to perform. So present yourself appropriately and perform. ( This does not mean spending 90 minutes on makeup prior to doing workouts )
- Outline your 3rd day experience to your family and friends on social media. Talk about any great experiences or teachings you have learnt, and also indicate any problems or issues you had to over come.
Importantly: Prep all your meals for Day 4 of the challenge with a concrete plan for the day ahead. Keep in mind that unforeseen problems and issues may occur the following day where by you may have to improvise and accommodate variations of your plan. So be flexible and do what works!
Set your goals for the day ahead and commit to it. Time frame how and when you will conduct the exercise protocols throughout the day so that it fits in with your normal daily activities and again allow for unforeseen or unexpected challenges. Make it work!